Amy & Jamie's Modern York Wedding at the Churchill Hotel

Take several crates of Red Stripe, throw in a 700 year old Haunted House, an ice-cream truck, a bride wearing a vintage gown and boys wearing customised Converse… and you have the funniest, most emotional wedding I’ve been to this year.

Amy and Jamie’s nuptials started out at the rather spiffing Churchill’s Hotel in York. And it was a scorcher of a day. The bride walked up the road to the York Registry office on the arm of her proud father (the Dude!) to be greeted by her beautiful daughter Bali looking like the cutest flower girl you ever did see. Then she practically ran down the aisle to a waiting Jamie, where they both cried through pretty much the entire ceremony.

Then it was out once again back into the sunshine for a few photos in the garden before we walked over to Thirteen Thirty One. On the way we stopped for Mint Choc Chip ice-cream, paid a visit to a take-away and got invited into the 700-year-old  York haunted House – sadly no icy fingers could be felt on our visit to the dining room!

By the time we made it across to the reception, the party was well under way in the courtyard with countless cans of Red Stripe on the go.

Congratulations to Amy and Jamie – you were both ace by the way – who were tons of fun and goddamn gorgeous to boot. x

Bride getting ready at the Churchill hotel, YorkBride's dress hanging up at the Churchill Hotel yorkBride getting ready before her wedding at the Churchill Hotel, YorkBride getting ready before her wedding at the Churchill Hotel, York.Flower girl in pale pink dressBride in vintage style dress putting on shoes.Bride in vintage style dress with long veil at the Churchill Hotel YorkBride in vintage style dress with long veil at the Churchill Hotel YorkGroomsmen on the streets of YorkBride coming down the stairs at the Churchill Hotel, YorkFlower girl with Here Comes the Bride sign at York Register OfficeAmy & Jamie's Modern Wedding at the Registry office, YorkAmy & Jamie's Modern Wedding at the Registry office, YorkGuests at Modern wedding at York Registry OfficeBridesmaids wearing nude coloured dresses with white balloonsAmy & Jamie's Modern York WeddingAmy & Jamie's Modern York WeddingBride & Groom at Haunted House, YorkBridesmaids wearing sunglasses in YorkVintage cameras and globeBride climbing stairs.Modern York WeddingBride with moustache strawWedding speeches in YorkWedding speeches in York