Black box red, band, commercial, photography

Dutch duo BlackboxRed were over in the UK last week touring their new album The Gunner and the Ghost. We met up in Manchester’s Northern Quarter for a little shoot before their sold-out gig at Gullivers. You can check out their new stuff via their website at  Here’s a few of my favourite shots of Eva and Stefan.

Blackboxred, music, photographer,sunglasses, photographer, commercial, bandportrait, music, commercial, photographerblackboxred, commercial, band, music, photographyblackboxred, music, photographyblackboxRed, music, band, photographerband, commercial, music, photographer, Leeds, ManchesterblackboxRed, music, photographymusic, commercial, bins, manchester, photographerhair, band, commercial, photographymanchester, band, music, photographermanchester, music, photographerbridge, reflection, photographer