bride and groom reflected in river bed creative wedding photographer leeds harrogate sheffield

For me, a wedding is all about the people. It’s about emotion, connection, laughter and fun. It’s not about the details, or the hundreds of candles lining the church windows, or the hand made bunting. Whilst all these things are nice and provide a beautiful touch, it’s the people that interest me. Long after you’ve forgotten what your dinner tasted like, you won’t have forgotten how you felt as you walked down the aisle. In 20 years time, you will still remember how your sides ached during the speeches and how your Dad gave you a knowing smile from across the room, but you will barely remember the colour of the lanterns or all the variety of flowers in your bouquet.

But… just occasionally, something blows my socks off. And at Katie and Dom’s wedding, it was the view.

Dom’s parents live atop a hill with views of rolling countryside and the River Wharfe. And this was the location Dom and Katie chose to have their wedding celebration. Of course it helps that Dom’s parents and sister Felicity run Blue Sky Events, so the beautiful marquee and all the dressing that went with it, had been co-ordinated with proper family flair and with views to die for.

Katie looked gobsmackingly gorgeous in her Caroline Castigliano gown and being the brilliant sport that she is, Katie allowed me to drag her through wild flower meadows, battling nettles, mud and barbed wire so I could get the shot that I wanted. And just as the sun was setting, we headed down to the river to catch the last of the golden hour, only to see it disappear behind a cloud about 20 seconds after we arrived.

My old mates the New York Brass Band were on hand to get the party started and there was lots of crazy dancing and general buffoonery. Most splendid.

Congratulations to Katie and Dom and thanks for having me around. x

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