manchester engagement shoot

I met Shelley and Adam whilst shooting Cala and Glynn’s wedding two years ago… blimey I can’t believe it’s been two years. Cala and Glynn are now busy building their own little family. Time flies when you’re having fun.

So i was bloody thrilled when Shelley asked me to shoot her wedding. Cos not only do I get to shoot crazy, beautiful people, I also get to see my old clients Cala and Glynn. I think it’s gonna be an ace party!

We thought it might be a great idea to have a little engagement shoot warm up too, so we headed to Manchester for a wander round the streets a few weeks back. Adam had man flu, I nicked his brolly, and then they had to watch whilst I stuffed my face full of nachos… nom, nom, nom.

Anyway, here’s a few of my favourites. Can’t wait to see you crazy kids in a few weeks.

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